3 Chances to see Arianne in May 2016

Hey Friends! We don't see each other enough, and I miss you! There are 3 chances for us to get together this month:

1. Come see "Women's Work", at LA Valley College's 2016 Spring Dance Production on May 12, 13, 14 at 7:30 pm, Mainstage Theater, 5800 Fulton Avenue, Valley Glen. Free Parking! Tickets: http://lavcdance2016.bpt.me Info:www.lavc.edu/dance

2. Come take the Diavolo Veterans Project Workshop I am co-facilitating with fellow community arts leader, Stephen Koplowitz on Saturday, May 21, 10 - 2 at Bob Hope Patriotic Hall. FREE for veterans!

3. Join The Big Show Co. at the work-in-progress showing of The Collective Memory Project on Friday, May 27th, 8 PM at ARC, 1158 East Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena, CA. A donation of $40 to our fundraising campaign gets you a reservation! CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW. http://drc.nationbuilder.com/the_big_show_co